A Survival Manual for Hostages
l. Remember that time is on your side. The longer the duration
of the incident, the more likely the chance of successful
2. Cooperate in every way possible. Do whatever the hostage
takers tell you to do. By the same token, beware of the
Stockholm Syndrome where the hostages become sympathetic
with and eventually join their captors.
3. Locate yourself away from windows and doors and as far as
you can from the hostage takers.
4. Take notice of all furniture or other objects or walls which
might offer some protection, should there be shooting.
5. Inform your captors of your medical condition if you have
any special disabilities. You may even consider making one
up about yourself or one our your family, IF you can be
convincing. They may let you go and/or not execute you.
6. Note everything about the hostage takers - their numbers,
their weapons, their physical appearance and
characteristics, their apparel, their behavioral traits,
their manner of dealing with each other. Try to remember
any unusual words or accents. Determine who is in charge.
7. Avoid abrupt movements.
8. Converse with the terrorists. Make them treat you like a
person. Make them recognize you as a person who also has
problems. Do not let them put any item over your head.
9. Maintain yourself to the fullest extent possible. Give
close attention to personal cleanliness, clothing repair,
physical exercise, mental activity such as reading, writing,
memorizing, and even give close attention to spiritual
10. Keep in touch with outside reality as much as possible. Do
not lose touch with external guideposts. Set up a pattern
of behavior and establish goals.
11. Make every effort to remain aware of the time of day. Even
without a watch you can be alert to clues that signal the
passing of time changes in temperature, meal patterns,
outside sounds, cyclical behavior of your guards. Establish
some kind of crude calendar which can be used to celebrate
holidays, birthdays and other special events.
12. Maintain control over your own space. Consider
personalizing it by rearranging things, designate specific
places for your various activities, keep the place clean,
add to the furnishings if possible.
13. Remain alert at every moment to the possibility of an
opportunity for escape, but be absolutely certain that you
can succeed.
14. Bear in mind that the hostage takers are unpredictable and
it is unwise to engager in a physical struggle with them or
attempt to retaliate.
15. Keep calm and have faith that you will be rescued.
from Irving Goldaber, "A Survival Manual for Hostages," Assets
Protection, Vol 4(4), l982, pp. 16-17.