///////////////////////////// // THEME / VARIABLES / COLORS ///////////////////////////// // PRIMARY BRAND $color-brand-alpha: #d00000; // Scarlet $color-brand-beta: #fefdfa; // Cream $color-brand-gamma: #c7c8ca; // Gray $scarlet: $color-brand-alpha; $cream: $color-brand-beta; $gray: $color-brand-gamma; $scarlet-shade: scale-color($scarlet, $hue: 1deg, $saturation: 10%, $lightness: -24%); $scarlet-tint: #f6e6e3; // SECONDARY BRAND $color-brand-delta: #001738; // Navy $color-brand-epsilon: #42a7c6; // Cerulean $navy: $color-brand-delta; $cerulean: $color-brand-epsilon; // TERTIARY / SCREEN $color-brand-zeta: #00784e; // Green $color-brand-eta: #007197; // Blue $color-brand-theta: #b32d9c; // Purple $color-brand-iota: #ffd74e; // Yellow $green: $color-brand-zeta; $blue: $color-brand-eta; $purple: $color-brand-theta; $yellow: $color-brand-iota; $light-green: #e7f1ea; $light-blue: #e7f0f0; $light-purple: #f7eaf1; // NEUTRALS $white: #fff; $black: #000; // Mix cream and gray brand colors for base color $mix-cream-gray: mix($cream, $gray); // #e3e3e2 $light-gray: $mix-cream-gray; // #e3e3e2 $lighter-gray: lighten($mix-cream-gray, 3.2%); // #ebebea $lightest-gray: lighten($mix-cream-gray, 7.5%); // #f6f6f5; $dark-gray: darken($mix-cream-gray, 47.5%); // #6b6b68 $darker-gray: darken($mix-cream-gray, 63.3%); // #424240 $darkest-gray: darken($mix-cream-gray, 75%); // #242423 // CONTEXTUAL COLORS $color-info: $blue; $color-success: $green; $color-warning: #e72c0c; // TODO: replace with $yellow when notices are redesigned $color-danger: #b60000; // TODO: update for notices $color-highlight: #ff0; $color-required: $scarlet; $color-kbd: #0f0; // SOCIAL MEDIA COLORS $color-facebook: #3b5998; // Facebook $color-instagram: #c13584; // Instagram $color-linkedin: #0077b5; // LinkedIn $color-pinterest: #bd081c; // Pinterest $color-snapchat: #fffc00; // SnapChat $color-twitter: #1da1f2; // Twitter $color-youtube: #cd201f; // YouTube