///////////////////////////// // THEME / VARIABLES / TABLES ///////////////////////////// @import '_variables.colors'; @import '_variables.borders'; @import '_variables.modular-scale'; // Background color $bg-color-table-stripe-light-mode: $lightest-gray; // Background-color of table stripes in light mode $bg-color-table-stripe-dark-mode: $darker-gray; // Background-color of table stripes in dark mode // Border color $border-color-table-light-mode: $border-color-light-mode; // .dcf-table border-color in light mode $border-color-table-dark-mode: $border-color-dark-mode; // .dcf-table border-color in dark mode // Border style $border-style-table: solid; // .dcf-table border-style // Border width $border-width-table: 1px; // .dcf-table border-width // Color $color-caption-light-mode: $color-heading-light-mode; // .dcf-table color in light mode $color-caption-dark-mode: $color-heading-dark-mode; // .dcf-table color in dark mode // Font size $font-size-caption: #{ms(1)}em; // .dcf-table font-size: 1.13em $font-size-thead: #{ms(-1)}em; // .dcf-table font-size: .84em $font-size-tbody: #{ms(-1)}em; // .dcf-table font-size: .84em $font-size-tfoot: #{ms(-1)}em; // .dcf-table font-size: .84em // Font weight $font-weight-caption-bold: true; // Bold font-weight for caption? True/false // Grid $grid-col-1-table-responsive: 1fr; // First grid column in responsive table $grid-col-2-table-responsive: 2fr; // Second grid column in responsive table $grid-col-gap-table-responsive: $length-vw-1; // Grid column-gap in responsive table // Padding $padding-bottom-caption: #{ms(-4)}rem; // Padding-bottom for table captions $padding-right-table-cell: $length-em-6; // Padding-right for and cells $padding-left-table-bordered-striped-cell: $length-em-4; // Padding-left for bordered and/or striped table cells $padding-right-table-bordered-striped-cell: $length-em-4; // Padding-right for bordered and/or striped table cells $padding-bottom-thead-cell: $length-em-3; // Padding-bottom for cells $padding-bottom-tbody-cell: $length-em-3; // Padding-bottom for cells $padding-top-tbody-tfoot-cell: $length-em-3; // Padding-top for and cells $padding-top-table-bordered-thead-cell: $length-em-5; // Padding-top for bordered table cells $padding-bottom-table-scroll: $length-em-4; // Padding-bottom for scrollable tables (to account for scroll bar) $padding-bottom-table-responsive-tbody-tr: $padding-bottom-tbody-cell; // Padding-bottom for responsive table rows