A Message from the Chancellor

As we begin the week, I am asking the University of Nebraska–Lincoln to take a moment to consider the many individuals in our community who are still recovering from Friday’s tornado outbreak. While our campuses were fortunately spared a direct hit or any significant damage, we know so many faculty, students, and staff who live in Omaha, here in Lincoln, and in places across Nebraska, have damage to their own homes or are assisting family and friends whose lives were uprooted in a moment’s notice.

This will be a difficult week for many, and as Chancellor, I want you to know that UNL is here for you. If you or someone you know needs support, please reach out to the Office of Student Advocacy and Support or the Employee Assistance Program. In addition, the Nebraska Emergency Assistance Fund provides financial assistance for qualified applicants. I also encourage supervisors to be mindful of affected employees, offering flexibility with work duties when appropriate, and I ask that faculty consider offering students who may have been directly impacted similar flexibility.

Finally, let me say thank you. Upon my arrival as Chancellor last year, it was immediately evident that there is no shortage of people on our campuses who are willing to raise their hand to support a member of our community in need. I saw evidence of that again this weekend, and I know that will continue throughout this week. At UNL, we understand that every person and every interaction matters. This week offers for us another opportunity to put those words into action.