Request for Appearance

I appreciate your interest in our university, and consider it a privilege to participate in as many events as possible across Nebraska. I will do my very best to accommodate your request.

To give our staff the information we need in planning our visits, please complete the simple form below as soon as your event planning allows. Thanks in advance.

There is no place like NEBRASKA!

Rodney Bennett, Chancellor

About the Event
Scheduling Information
Date of Event Required
Event start time Required
Include time for reception and dinner if applicable.
Time of the chancellor’s appearance
If different from event start time
Time the chancellor may depart
If different from event end time
Event end time Required
About the Chancellor’s Participation
Information about the chancellor's participation at the event
Please let us know if working media (as distinct from other guests who are media professionals) will be in attendance, and the highest level at which they operate.
Please indicate if you’d like the chancellor to speak on a current topic, or if you’d rather leave the topic up to his discretion.
Help us understand the audience: number of participants expected, key demographics, interests and values, and any other information you’d like us to know.
Help us understand other speakers and/or participants: number of speakers expected, professions represented, industries represented, etc.
Please give us any additional information that you think it’s important we know.
Do you have posters, brochures or other documents?
Please upload any brochures or documents that may help us understand the event. PDF format preferred.
Files must be less than 200 KB.
Allowed file types: jpg jpeg png pdf doc docx ppt pptx.
Event Location
Number and street name
2-letter abbreviation for state
Your Contact Info
First, Last
Please include area code.