Faculty Senate Policies and Documents

Documents and Policies Approved by the UNL Faculty Senate:

Faculty Code of Conduct - Document which is designed to protect academic freedom, preserve the highest standards of teaching and scholarship, and advance the mission of the University as an institution of higher learning.  The code applies to all academic personnel engaged in teaching, research, extension, or service as well as anyone with an academic appointment who has a supervisory role overseeing faculty, staff, or students at UNL. 

Face Coverings Syllabus Statement August 26, 2021 - statement to include the link, or information, on wearing face coverings in classes.  

15th Week Policy - Deadweek policy

Academic Integrity Policy on Santions Related to Academic Integrity

Academic Honesty Committee Report

Academic Services Handbook - From the University Registrar's Office the handbook provides useful information pertaining to issues relating to academics. 

Acceptable Use of Software Systems Management and Deployment Tools Policy  - Policy managing the use of client management tools on computers.  

Board of Regents Bylaws - These Bylaws establish the structures and policies of the University of Nebraska.

Class Attendance Policy - The Faculty Senate's policy for class attendance. 

    -Student Absence Policy Form

Faculty Senate Guidance for Faculty for Engagement with Legislature and Other Governmental Bodies - These guidelines are meant to be advisory in nature and provide faculty with guidance when speaking in front of the Nebraska State Legislature and other elected bodies and government agencies. 

Promotion and Tenure Procedures - Information and Guidelines regarding promotion and tenure.

Safe Assignment Policy - Policy on the implementation and use of the Safe Assignment Software program. 

Syllabus Policy - Faculty Senate policy regarding informaiton that needs to be on course syllabus. 

University Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Handbook - Committee procedures

UNL Bylaws  - These Bylaws establish the structure of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

UNL Professional Ethics Statement - Faculty Senate Profesional Ethics Statement