Second Round Marching Auditions

Students that passed the first-round Marching Band audition will be invited to attend Band Camp for the second round of auditions. Your section (i.e. brass, woodwinds, percussion, color guard, etc.) and whether or not you have previously participated in the marching band determines the date you must report to campus. Detailed information about Band Camp, including checking into University residence halls, and the schedule will be posted by mid-July.

Please note that University band instruments will not be available until early August, depending on when your instrument request form was submitted. Marching band members must use a University instrument. Reserve an instrument by submitting the request form. The URL will be sent to candidates in mid-July.


  • All percussion candidates (including leadership) report to campus on Thursday, August 15. Rehearsals are during the day and residence hall move-in is in the evening.
  • Brass, woodwind and color guard leadership report to campus on Thursday, August 15. Brass and woodwind uniform check-out is in the afternoon and residence hall move-in in the evening for all leaders with a Housing contract.
  • Color guard candidates (including veterans) report to campus on Friday, August 16. Residence hall move-in is in the morning for those with contracts.
  • New brass and woodwind candidates living in a campus residence hall report to campus on Friday, August 16 for residence hall move-in.
  • New brass and woodwind candidates NOT living in residence halls must report to the Glenn Korff School of Music Building on the afternoon of Saturday, August 17.
  • Veteran brass and woodwind candidates living in a campus residence hall AND checking out a uniform on Saturday, August 17 report to campus on Friday, August 16.
  • Veteran brass and woodwind candidates living in a campus residence, but NOT checking out a uniform on Saturday, August 17, and twirlers report to campus on Saturday, August 17 for residence hall move-in.
  • All non-leadership veteran brass and woodwind candidates and twirlers must check-in at the Glenn Korff School of Music on the morning of Sunday, August 18, time to be determined.

The Friday, August 16 and Saturday, August 17 campus report dates / residence hall move-in will reduce congestion and stress at the residence halls. Band candidates are asked to not move into residence halls on Sunday, August 18. Please note that the band camp schedule will be confirmed in July.


The second-round color guard audition will take place on Saturday, August 17. The second-round brass and woodwind audition will take place on Sunday, August 18. All individuals on the final roster must attend Band Camp rehearsals from Monday, August 19 through Friday, August 23. Brass, woodwind and percussion uniforms will be issued on Saturday, August 24 and Sunday, August 25. Color guard costumes will be issued on a date and time to be determined.

New and veteran candidates in the color guard section train together with music and routines provided by the band staff at Band Camp. It is important that this section works together from the beginning of camp.

Percussion members must bring their Percussion Handbook with them to Band Camp. The Percussion Handbook can be downloaded from the link below.

Click to Download the Percussion Handbook

New brass and woodwind candidates work with their section and rank leaders for the first few rehearsals. Veteran brass and woodwind candidates participate in one rehearsal prior to the audition on Sunday. Each brass and woodwind section completes a group audition on Sunday afternoon that includes a memorization check. The Sunday afternoon audition sessions are closed to the public. Specific times for each audition group will be announced during the noon rehearsal on Sunday.


  • Memorize the fight songs Dear Old Nebraska U (There Is No Place Like Nebraska) and Hail Varsity BEFORE the beginning of Band Camp. Download the audition music for the appropriate rank from the SharePoint link that will be provided to each candidate via email. Please note that trumpet and trombone candidates should memorize the part assignment that best fits your range.
  • All new and returning candidates must check in at Westbrook Music Building on time as per the band camp schedule which will be available in July. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP! You risk the chance of being dropped from the roster before you have begun unless you check in with the band staff.
  • Work with section and rank leaders to learn basic fundamental commands and steps the CMB way.
  • Learn the audition routine as instructed by the leaders.
  • Be on time for rehearsals and meetings.
  • You must be willing to listen and learn, show enthusiasm for the task at hand, make mistakes without falling apart and enjoy meeting new friends.
  • Feel free to ask questions.


The first task during Band Camp is to select the personnel for the Cornhusker Marching Band. We will pick the best 300 candidates based on the following:

  • Skill
  • Preparation (memorization)
  • Progress
  • Attitude


After Band Camp, the marching band rehearses Monday through Friday during the fall semester. The percussion and color guard rehearse from 6:30 AM to 8:20 AM. The brass and woodwinds rehearse from 7:00 AM to 8:20 AM. The rehearsal location is primarily Memorial Stadium or Westbrook Music Building. Members will be notified if an alternate location is required.

Play a recording of Dear Old Nebraska U (There Is No Place Like Nebraska). The recording includes the fanfares.

Play a recording of Hail Varsity

Cornhusker Marching Band Exhibition performance.


Over the past 30 plus years, the marching band has established a wonderful tradition by ending Band Camp with a FREE public performance in Memorial Stadium. It is a tremendous opportunity to celebrate the end of Band Camp and acquire performance experience in front of a large audience before the football season begins. Be sure to invite your family and all your friends! The show is Friday, August 23 at 7:00 PM in Memorial Stadium. The stadium gates open at 6:00 PM. Seating is in the lower level of the west stadium. Enter through Gate 3 in the southwest corner of the stadium or Gate 11 in the northwest corner. There is no rain-out date for this event.

Parking is available (at audience expense) in the garage on the west side of the stadium and in the city's downtown parking garages.


All marching band members and candidates must be registered for the course BEFORE Wednesday, July 31, 2024. Marching Band is a one credit hour class. A $30.00 special course fee is assessed all band members. This fee will appear on your student account along with the course tuition. Remember to drop the course if you are not on the final roster to avoid the tuition and course fee.

NOTE: Music, charts and announcements are distributed via Canvas for iPad download. You must be registered for the Marching Band class to have access to these documents.

The Marching Band course numbers are MUDC 348E (Music Majors & Minors for degree requirement only) and MUEN 348E (everyone else).

NOTE: If students register for more than one Glenn Korff School of Music ensemble in a semester, they need only register for one of the ensembles for credit. However, students must enroll in all ensembles in which they participate. You may register for the second ensemble as a zero credit course. Contact Prof. Falcone for the permission code to enroll in marching band as a zero credit course. You may not register for marching band as a zero credit course if you receive a marching band scholarship.


Professor Falcone has worked with the Registrar to eliminate the use of paper forms if a member has a course conflict with marching band rehearsal. All students with class conflicts must send an email to Professor Falcone containing the following information so that registration issues can be handled via email.

  • Student's full name
  • Student's NUID number
  • Full description of the conflict for Prof. Falcone's approval
  • Term of the class (Fall 2024)
  • The Marching Band course number for which the student is registering. For example: MUEN 348E.

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