Women and Gender Justice Award

This annual award recognizes a Women's and Gender Studies (WGS) faculty member (core faculty or program faculty, tenure-line or PoP) at the assistant or associate level, who has contributed significantly to their field of study or the broader community through service or leadership to advance justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. This award provides $500 to the awardee in the spring and an additional $1,000 for summer research or community work.

This award is the product of the generosity of Helen Moore, professor emerita from the Department of Sociology, WGS program faculty, and past WGS director, who established this award to recognize faculty work toward social justice. We are so grateful to Helen for her generous support, which will recognize and celebrate the incredible work our faculty do to advance gender equity and justice.


Jeannette Jones
History and ethnic studies

Abla Hasan
Arabic Studies (modern languages and literatures)