Classroom Presentations and Workshops

Writing Center staff are available for both brief classroom presentations about the Writing Center as well as longer, collaborative co-teach sessions on a variety of subjects. To request a 10-15 minute class visit to discuss what we do at the Writing Center, please fill out this form. Class visits may take place in person or via Zoom. Note: since we are primarily staffed by students, we generally cannot visit classes during the first week of the semester. Moreover, it is often more helpful for us to visit when you are assigning the first piece of writing in the class, since students will be more receptive to the information when they can put it to immediate use.

If you would like to collaborate on a session that goes into greater depth or is tailored to your specific class, please contact the Writing Center at

Before contacting us about a tailored session please note the following:

  • We ask that you contact us at least 2-3 weeks in advance, to give us time to prepare and to collaborate with you.
  • Please note that we call these tailored sessions "co-teach" sessions: that is, we will develop a plan together with you and deliver it together to the class. Thus, we will not visit on days when the instructor of record is not present. It is important for the course instructor to be able to give context to the material we discuss during a co-teach session. Furthermore, presenting the writing-related material collaboratively helps students understand that writing is, in fact, integral to your course.