Chancellor's Messages

Chancellor's Messages

Dr. Rodney D. Bennett

A Message from the Chancellor

UNL Community –

Yesterday, the Board of Regents approved the contract of Dr. Jeffrey Gold as President of the University of Nebraska System. I am so pleased that our Regents have selected a leader with Dr. Gold’s academic background and proven leadership ability. I look forward to working with Dr. Gold to envision the University’s exciting future.

A Message from the Chancellor

UNL community,

In light of the large number of demonstrations occurring at universities across the country, I want to remind our campus community of our longstanding and steadfast commitment to free speech and the vibrant exchange of ideas. This commitment is thoughtfully articulated in university policy, which I hope you will take time to review.

A Message from the Chancellor

As we begin the week, I am asking the University of Nebraska–Lincoln to take a moment to consider the many individuals in our community who are still recovering from Friday’s tornado outbreak. While our campuses were fortunately spared a direct hit or any significant damage, we know so many faculty, students, and staff who live in Omaha, here in Lincoln, and in places across Nebraska, have damage to their own homes or are assisting family and friends whose lives were uprooted in a moment’s notice.

A Message from the Chancellor

UNL Community,

Today, I am writing to ensure your awareness that this morning the Board of Regents released the schedule of public forums for Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., the priority candidate for President of the University of Nebraska System.

Admitted Student Day

As we prepare to roll out Nebraska’s red carpet for Admitted Student Day on March 23, I want to reinforce how the success of this event will positively shape our Fall 2024 class of new Huskers.

A Message from the Chancellor

Good afternoon, UNL Students, Faculty and Staff,

It is my honor to serve as chancellor of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on the 155th celebration of Charter Day. On Charter Day, I am reminded that our teaching, research, and engagement transforms lives and learning; that the dissemination of knowledge created at UNL builds communities across Nebraska; that our students have an active role in shaping their UNL experience; and most importantly that every person and every interaction matters at UNL.

A Message from the Chancellor

UNL Community,

Today, I am writing to inform you that I have finalized the plan to eliminate UNL’s $12M deficit that has been carried forward from FY23. This is an essential step to remain good stewards of the resources entrusted to us by the people of Nebraska. The final reduction plan mirrors the proposal shared with you on November 8 and updated with additional detail on November 21.

A Message from the Chancellor

UNL Community,

During the course of this year, university leadership has spoken openly about the financial challenges impacting higher education and the headwinds facing our institution.

A Message from the Chancellor


I write to you today to share news regarding a transition in our senior leadership team.

Bob Wilhelm has elected to step down as our vice chancellor for research and economic development. In 2024, Bob will assume a faculty position and continue his research and teaching in engineering, policy and innovation.

Sherri Jones has agreed to serve as our interim vice chancellor, effective today. Sherri has been an exceptional academic leader for our university, having served in the College of Education and Human Sciences for nearly 12 years.

Join me at the 2023 Celebration of Service

Faculty and Staff Colleagues:

Your role in the success of our students, university and state is immeasurable, and I am truly honored to work alongside such an exceptional group of colleagues.

A Message from the Chancellor

I am honored to welcome you to the fall semester and our first academic year together at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

A Message from the Chancellor

My fellow Huskers, welcome to the 2023 fall semester and our first academic year together!

Volunteers at Heart of Commencement Success


It is with immense joy and gratitude that I write to you today to acknowledge the success of our summer commencement ceremony.

Budget Work Remains a Priority

These first few weeks on campus as chancellor have been invigorating. I am learning more about the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s culture and I am excited to be a part of our deep commitment to student success, research excellence and engagement across the Cornhusker State and beyond.

Volleyball Day in Nebraska Plans Take Shape

As preparations continue, I want to share with you a little of what to expect leading up to Volleyball Day in Nebraska on Aug. 30.

Hello, Husker Family

It is truly an honor and a privilege to have assumed duties as the 21st chancellor of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln on July 1.